2015 1E3 Group 9 - Celiac Disease

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Meaning / Definition

In this section, include a brief description of the disorder or disease. You may include picture(s) or video(s) to illustrate your points.


Some people have a problem with foods that contain gluten. This is a type of disease called celiac disease. Gluten is a type of protein and it can be found in grains wheat, barley, rye and triticale. Triticale is a wheat-rye cross. When a person has celiac disease and he or she eats food with gluten in it, the gluten triggers an immune response that is not normal. This damages the inside of a person's small intestine and it can't do a good job in absorbing nutrients from the person's food.

link: www.m.webmd.com/diet/tc/celiac-disease-topic-overview

Causes and Effects

In this section, while using a little medical jargon as possible,

1) include a description of the condition(s)  or situation(s) causing the disorder or disease;

2) include a description of the effect(s), outcome(s) or impact(s) on the patients' lives as a result of having the disorder or disease. 

You may include picture(s) or video(s) to illustrate your points.


A normal human body's immune system is designed to protect it form foreign invaders. when a person has celiac disease eats foods containing gluten, that person have celiac disease eats foods containing gluten, that persons immune system forms antibiotics to gluten in which then attack the intestinal lining this will cause inflammable in the intestines and would damage the villi, the hair like structures on the small intestine linings. normally nutrients form the food we eat are absorbed by the villi. if the villi is damage, no matter what he or she eats the person will not have the ability to absorb the nutrients properly and would end up being nourished.


link : www.webmd.com/digestive-disorders/celiac-disease/celiac-disease

Signs and Symptoms

In this section, while using a little medical jargon as possible, include a description of the signs and symptoms exhibited by people having the disorder or disease. You may include picture(s) or video(s) to illustrate your points. 


There are some symptoms of celiac disease which include:

1. Digestive problems like abdominal bloating, pain, gas, diarrhea, pale stools and weight loss

2. Dermatitis herpetiformis which is a servere skin rash

3. Iron deficiency anemia which is low blood count.

4. Musculoskeletal problems like muscle cramps, joint pain and bone pain.

5. Growth problems and failure to thrive which mostly affects children

6. Seizures

7. Tingling sensation in the legs which is caused by nerve damage and low calcium

8. Aphthousulcers which is sores in the mouth

9. missed menstrual periods

link: www.webmd.com/digestive-disorders/celiac-disease/celiac-disease

Prevention and Treatment

In this section, while using a little medical jargon as possible,

1) include a description of the steps to prevent getting the disorder or disease (if it cannot be prevented, do explain why);

2) include a description of the treatment of the disorder or disease (if it cannot be treated, do explain why) or the steps to lessen its signs or symptoms. 

You may include picture(s) or video(s) to illustrate your points. 


There are some cures in this disease. the only way to not get this disease to worsen in a body is to avoid gluten product it is basic to avoid food with gluten since that person is allergic to it. corticosteroid such as prednisone can e use to treat allergies, skin disease, cancer, and more. so far, the use of prednisone have been successfully treated only for some patients. there are also new treatments which include stem cells transplant but there maybe some serious side effects it also might have risk of serious infections.

Image result for food with gluten content- food with gluten free

link: www.webmd.com/digestive-disorder/celiac-disease/celiac-disease

Link to Other Illnesses or Diseases

In this section, while using a little medical jargon as possible, include a description of the illness(es) or disease(s) that may occur as a result of having this disorder or disease. 

You may include picture(s) or video(s) to illustrate your points.


Celiac disease can leave a person susceptible to other health problems, including:

1. Osteoporosis. It is a disease that weakens bones and leads to fractures. This disease occurs because the person has trouble absorbing sufficient calcium and vitamin D.

2. Miscarriage or infertility

3. Birth defects such as neural tube defects which is the improper formation of a baby's spine caused by a poor absorption of such nutrients like folic acid.

4. Seizures

5. Children having growth problems because they do not absorb enough nutrients

6. Cancer of the intestines which happens to be very rare

People who have celiac disease may have other autoimmune diseases, including:

1. Thyroid disease

2. Type 1 diabetes

3.  Lupus

4. Rheumatoid arthritis

5. Sjogren's  (has two dots above the letter "o") syndrome which is a disorder that causes insufficient moisture production by the glands

link: www.webmd.com/digestive-disorders/celiac-disease/celiac-disease



Plagiarism is a strongly discouraged.


In this section, include the links of all websites you obtained information from to complete your health science wiki page.

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