Team members
Names / Roles:
- [Nicole] (Leader)
- [Qi Wen] (Wiki Writer)
- [Alvin] (Researcher)
- [Ammar] (Researcher)

In this section, include a brief description of the allocated ecosystem. You should include the following information:
- Location of the ecosystem
- Description of ecosystem
- Biodiversity of ecosystem (richness of life in ecosystem)
The deep sea is located at the Bathypelagic zone. Its at a depth of 1000 fathoms (1800 metres) or more. Natural light does not penetrate this zone. Since there is no light photosynthesis cannot take place, animals living there have to depend on another source of food.
Creatures such as:
- Bristlemouth
- Gulper eel
- Humpback Angler-fish
Temperature of the ecosystem........
The temperature of the deep sea is around 4-8 degrees Celsius. The temperature of the sea decreases as the depth of the sea increases.
Quality of water in the ecosystem......
Firstly the water in the deep sea is
Salinity of the water in the ecosystem......
The salinity of the deep sea is remarkably constant. There are only minor differences in salinity.
Quality of the air in the ecosystem......
pH of the ecosystem......
availability of nutrients and mineral salts.......
Physical Factors
Search the Internet for information on the following physical factors in the allocated ecosystem.
- Light (availability of sunlight in the ecosystem),
- Temperature (temperature of the ecosystem),
- Water (water quality in the ecosystem),
- Salinity (freshwater or seawater found in the ecosystem).
- Air (quality of air in the ecosystem),
- pH of the environment (how acidic or alkaline the ecosystem is),
- mineral salts (availability of nutrients and mineral salts in the ecosystem)
Classification of Living Organisms
Classify at least eight of the living organisms found in the allocated ecosystem into the categories below:
- Producers
- Primary Consumers
- Secondary Consumers
- Tertiary Consumers
- Decomposers
For each of the living organism, find a picture and write a short description on the organism. You may wish to include feeding habits, region in the ecosystem where it is normally found etc.
Food Web
Create a food web using at least eight of the living organisms listed above. You may wish to use Microsoft PowerPoint to create your food web. Save your food web as a picture. Finally copy and paste your picture in this section of your wiki.
Interrelationship in Ecosystem
Give at least one example for each of the following relationships in the ecosystem:
- Predator-prey relationship
- Parasitism
- Mutualism
Useful Links
Plagarism is a strongly discouraged.
Include the links of all websites you obtained information from to complete your ecology wiki.
For example:
Wild World @ ( )
- [Name of website] (website address)
- [Name of website] (website address)
- [Name of website] (website address)
- [Name of website] (website address)
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