1E3_2013 Group 6 - Freshwater Lake

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Names / Roles:




Picture of a beautiful lake


List of Freshwater Lakes



Description of ecosystem




                      An ecosystem is a living community

which consists of plant and animals sharing an environment with non-living elements like

climate and soil.



                      Freshwater ecosystems are a subset of Earth's aquatic ecosystems which it is an ecosystem in a body of water where communities of organisms that are dependent on both the environment and each other. They include Lakes, Ponds, Streams, spring and Wetland.



                      Light plays an important role in lake ecology and determines the potential rate of photosynthesis, which supplies dissolved oxygen and food in the water. In a clear lake, the euphoric zone may extend down to 20 m or more but in most of the present day lakes, it is often about 3-5m or as less as 0.5 m deep.




Biodiversity of ecosystem (richness of life in ecosystem)


Biodiversity could not be define easily, but may be an idea of the number or evenness of genes,

species, and ecosystems in an area. This definition include the diversity of genes within a species  

or the diversity of species within a region or diversity.


Physical Factors

Search the Internet for information on the following physical factors in the allocated ecosystem. 


Light (availability of sunlight in the ecosystem)


Temperature (temperature of the ecosystem)


Water (water quality in the ecosystem)


Salinity (freshwater or seawater found in the ecosystem)


Air (quality of air in the ecosystem)


pH of the environment (how acidic or alkaline the ecosystem is)


Mineral salts (availability of nutrients and mineral salts in the ecosystem)





Classification of Living Organisms

Classify at least eight of the living organisms found in the allocated ecosystem into the categories below:




It is able to give out oxygen through photosynthesis. As algae is plant and it supply organisms for

food, it is a producer.


Primary Consumers


Amano Shirmp
Amano Shrimps is a species of shrimps found in Japan, Korea,

Taiwa. Its translucent body is coverd with reddish brown point on




Ramshorn Snail
Ramshorn Snails generally eat only delicate plants, preferably

Algae. Its shell is a flat coil.


Nerite Snail
Nerite snail is a popular snail as it looks attractive and it lives in

freshwater, feeding on Algae.


Siamese Algae Eater
Siamese Algae Eater has a black horizontal stripe from the

spercle to the tail.


Secondary Consumers


It is a fresh-water fish and it has anorder of ray-finned fish.




Tertiary Consumers 



Bumblebee Cichlid
Cichlids normally feeds on Algae. Small animals, particularly

interbrates, are only a small part of their diet. Cichlidae Family

has at least 1650 species and Cichlid is one of the species.

As Cichlids in the freshwater lake has no predator,it is at the highest

level of food web so, it is a Tertiary Consumer.






Fresh-Water Fungi
It lives in Freshwater and help to decompose dead animal.

When organisms died, small fishes or other organisms will

break down dead animal into smaller piecces and Fungi helps

in process of decomposing dead particullar.


For each of the living organism, find a picture and write a short description on the organism. You may wish to include feeding habits, region in the ecosystem where it is normally found etc. 




Food Web 

Create a food web using at least eight of the living organisms listed above. You may wish to use Microsoft PowerPoint to create your food web. Save your food web as a picture. Finally copy and paste your picture in this section of your wiki. 




Interrelationship in Ecosystem

Give at least one example for each of the following relationships in the ecosystem:

  1. Predator-prey relationship
  2. Parasitism
  3. Mutualism 


Predator -prey relationship

A predator is an organism that eats another organism.

The prey is the organism which the organism eats.

Examples of predator and prey are blunt nosed minnows and bluegills.



Parasitism is a relationship between two organisms in which the parasite benefits

at the expense of the other host. 

The parasite cause harm to its host.

Examples are leeches and other animals.



Mutualism is a relationship two organism of different species

work together benefiting from the relationship.

Examples are the algae and fungi.

Useful Links

Plagarism is a strongly discouraged.


Include the links of all websites you obtained information from to complete your ecology wiki. 

For example:

Wild World @ nationalgeographic.com ( http://www.nationalgeographic.com/wildworld/terrestrial.html )