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2E1 Group 5: Seashore

Page history last edited by 2E1group5 15 years, 5 months ago

 Names / Roles:

  • HUIYIN   (Leader)
  • FARAH    (Writer)
  • XIAOPEI  (Researcher)
  • ZENIA     (Researcher)




Brief description of the ecosystem:

Where can it be found?

-The seashore is ususally found near the sea or ocean.

Level of human activity? etc


Physical Factors


Temperature-the temperatue of the seashores usually ranges from the moderate temperature of the water to the air temperature that vary from below freezing to scorching.


Water-the organisms must be both adapted to wet and dry conditions because it is covered with salt water during high tides and is exposed to air during low tides.


Mineral salts and salinity-the depression on the shores sometimes form tidepools,although they are not long-lasting features.The salinity of the tidepools varies from the salinity of the sea to much less salty when rainwater or runoff dilutes it.Therefore,the animals must adapt their system to these variations.




Classification of Living Organisms









starfish (but not patrick...)

sea gulls

hermit crabs




herring gull

common limpet


flat periwinkle 




crabs-harvesting on decomposing crops and animals






Food Web 




Interrelationship in Ecosystem


Predator-prey relationship








The seashore or coast is defined as that part of the land adjoining or near the ocean or its saltwater arms. A precise line that can be called a coastline cannot be determined due to the process of tides. It can also be referred to parts of the land which adjoin any large body of water, including oceans (sea shore) and lakes (lake shore).

2E1 Group 4: Desert 





The Clown fish is able to produce special mucus that causes the sea anemone not to release its stings. It is also believed that the movements of the fish inform the anemone of its identity. In return for the anemone's protection, the fish brings scraps to it, and lures larger fish into the anemone's tentacles.








The most specialized of the parasitic isopods are the bopyrids, which attach themselves to the gills of crustaceans, feeding on the blood. They cause characteristic swellings on the shell of prawns, shrimps and crabs, but are not poisonous to man if eaten.






Useful Links

Include the links of websites you took information from. 

For example:

Wild World @ nationalgeographic.com ( http://www.nationalgeographic.com/wildworld/terrestrial.html )


Comments (1)

nazrul_hadi_jamali@... said

at 11:49 am on Apr 4, 2009

Hi, Group 5
good job so far with the information, but it is still incomplete. Remember the deadline is coming soon! =/

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